Rachel Firkins | Graphic by Mindy Fuller
A new project from Louisville Magazine and Louisville Public Media uses journalism, essays, photos, poetry and more to explore what it means to call the city home through the eyes of everyday people, politicians, kids and artists.
Iyabo “Mesa Pisa” Serikali goes back to West Broadway to document the longstanding buildings and corners that have been childhood landmarks.
Experts say Louisville has a pressing need for homes that low-to-moderate income residents can afford — and the pandemic has only made things worse. A 2021 the report found that local house prices were inflated by 15%.
We had the editors, writers and photographers behind Louisville Public Media & Louisville Magazine's "Home" issue share what home means to them.
Tracy Clayton proudly called Louisville her home, boasted about the person it had made. But when Breonna Taylor was killed, everything changed.
A new project from Louisville Magazine and Louisville Public Media uses journalism, essays, photos, poetry and more to explore what it means to call the city home through the eyes of everyday people, politicians, kids and artists.
"Our world’s most mundane sights have earned my longest, most cherished stares," says Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Jon Cherry in this photo essay for Louisville Magazine and Louisville Public Media's collaboration exploring what "home" means.