A surface parking lot next to Lynn Family Stadium in Louisville could become the first development in a long-delayed plan to create a sports and entertainment district.
Landlords often settle eviction cases without a fight. But one Louisville man fought back against the public housing authority and won. Attorneys say more tenants should challenge the system when they receive an eviction notice.
Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg has decided not to veto a pair of ordinances that weaken the city’s laws protecting renters from lead poisoning.
A two-month Room in the Inn program that temporarily housed women and children experiencing homelessness in downtown Louisville’s Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral recorded over 450 overnight stays.
The Louisville Metro Council approved changes to the city’s lead hazard housing and rental registry ordinances Thursday night after state Republicans threatened to completely gut the local laws.
In rural places, connecting with people experiencing homelessness can be difficult. New camping bans and the fallout from natural disasters makes that even harder in West Virginia coalfields.
A homeless outreach nonprofit in Louisville is close to opening a new type of facility. The St. John Center’s permanent supportive housing complex will offer places to live and get help all in one place.
Here’s what some Louisvillians told LPM News they’re concerned about. We looked at where funding for these issues stands in the current city and state budgets.
The Smoketown Community Land Trust aims to build affordable housing in the neighborhood, with Theresa Boyd as its new executive director.
Despite school and business closures, and warnings from city officials about the dangers of severe winter weather in recent weeks, Louisville residents continue to be evicted from their homes.