Jefferson County Public Schools officials say transportation for Tuesday morning's first day of school has gone well.Ben Jackey, a JCPS spokesman, says some buses carrying elementary students were late to school—but that’s expected on the first day.“You’re always going to have an occasional student who doesn’t get on the right bus or maybe gets on a bus that they’re not supposed to be on, and that may cause a little confusion at the depots or whatever the case may be," Jackey says. "But by and large, we have had a really good morning so far. We have not had anything out of the ordinary.”Jackey says many buses cleared out of compounds earlier than last year.He notes that afternoon drop offs are usually more complicated.“Because there will be students who will be only transported home, or students who will be dropped off at different locations than where they will be picked up from, that sometimes throws a little wrinkle into the process, but it’s nothing that our transportation department isn’t prepared for," Jackey says.Aside from transportation, Jackey says schools were operating as expected this morning.WFPL be monitoring the afternoon drop offs and update later today.
Transportation for Jefferson County Public Schools Goes as Expected; a Few Buses Late to Schools