Both major parties have contested primaries in the race for Indiana House District 66, which will appear on the Clark County ballot. LPM News asked each candidate in contested races to submit information about their background and priorities if elected. Responses have been slightly edited for clarity and length.

Jim Baker is a sixth generation Hoosier, father, grandfather, published author, composer, former member of The Louisville Orchestra and teacher at Jeffersonville High School. He and his wife, Kim, own Baker Commercial Real Estate which they founded in 2003. He is the past president and Realtor of the Year of both the Southern Indiana Realtor Association and the Indiana Commercial Board of Realtors. He currently serves as vice president of the Clark Regional Airport board. Jim is a Christian who freely admits his imperfections, faults and mistakes. Jim is not perfect but follows and seeks guidance from the One who is.
- Property taxes: too high, unfair, and a burden on fixed-income taxpayers.
- Protection for: law-abiding citizens, the unborn, and hardworking taxpayers who have been stolen from by self-serving politicians.
- Political establishment: integrity first, party second, and term limits. No one is better than or above the law.

I am a devoted Christian, husband, father, and small business owner with a master’s degrees from Purdue and University of Southern Indiana. I was elected to the Indiana House of Representatives representing District 66 in 2020. I am currently in my second term. During my tenure, I have championed constitutional carry, successfully advocated for a reduction in the state individual income tax, significantly expanded school choice, banned sex reassignment surgery for minors and worked to safeguard the integrity of high school girls' sports. I am the only candidate in this race endorsed by Indiana Right to Life, National Rifle Association and Indiana Farm Bureau AgELECT.
The Fed’s reckless monetary policy has led to severe inflation, impacting all Hoosiers. I’m committed to fighting for lower taxes to alleviate the financial strain from rising prices. I will continue to fight to reduce the size and scope of government at all levels.

I’m Rick Cannon and have lived [and] raised my family in Clark County all my life. I’m a 37-year volunteer firefighter. I’m a past president of Sellersburg Celebrates where I have served for the last 25 years and was president three times. Me and my family and friends cook and serve at the Jeffersonville Community Kitchen every month and have been serving for the last eight years. So you can say I love to volunteer for our communities.
- Indiana volunteer firefighters: We need to keep the volunteers and get them more funding so our taxes won’t skyrocket.
- Veterans and homeless: Our veterans put their lives out to keep us safe now we need to take care of them.
- Rehab centers.
- Child services.

With a bachelor’s degree in social work, master's degree in special education and board certification as a behavior analyst, Jennifer is a highly qualified professional who understands the balance of social and fiscal responsibility and accountability. She is president of the executive board of the Indiana Association of Behavioral Consultants, a member of the Indiana Association of Rehabilitation Facilities Inc., [and] a member of the Indiana Health Equity Council. Recently, Jennifer was appointed to the Indiana Statewide Independent Living Council. She is the CEO of Outward Bound Support Services LLC.
Jennifer’s platform focuses on affordable and accessible healthcare — especially adequate funding of Medicaid services for disabled and medically fragile persons — addressing the direct care workforce crisis, strengthening our education system, improving skilled job training opportunities and creation, and creating sustainable infrastructure for the future.
Coverage of Southern Indiana is funded, in part, by Samtec Inc., the Hazel & Walter T. Bales Foundation, and the Caesars Foundation of Floyd County.