The former Floyd County sheriff is challenging the incumbent in the Republican primary for Floyd County Commissioner District 2. The Democratic primary is uncontested. LPM News asked each candidate in contested races to submit information about their background and priorities if elected. Responses have been slightly edited for clarity and length.

Bachelor of Science in criminal justice. Associate degree in business. Indiana Law Enforcement Academy. FBI National Academy. Floyd County police officer 1982-2014. Georgetown Town Council member 1996-2000. Greenville Township Trustee 2010-2014. Adjunct instructor at Ivy Tech Community College 2012-2014. Floyd County Sheriff 2015-2022. Currently investigator with Indiana Attorney General’s Office.
The top priority should be to bring all the elected officials together to solve the issues. Consult with local experts on projects for the best solutions for Floyd County.

Candidate for re-election as Floyd County Commissioner District 2, representing Greenville and Lafayette townships. In my second term as commissioner with fiscal experience having previously served on the Floyd County Council. My wife Anita and I have been married for 47 years and are active members of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Navilleton. MBA Bellarmine, master’s [in] electrical engineering [from] University of Louisville Speed School. Retired telecommunications engineer with 30 years service with AT&T. Local beekeeper with a passion for the little honey bee and serves as the president of The Beekeepers of Indiana with over 2,000 members. Former Court Appointed Special Advocate volunteer.
- Public safety: Fire protection, fire-based countywide EMS/ambulance service.
- Novaparke Innovation and Technology Campus, bringing 400 STEM jobs.
- Economic development. Retaining our young people and their talents.
- Infrastructure, paving and bridges.
- Bringing broadband to the remaining unserved/underserved areas in Floyd County.
- Parks, walking trails, little league ballfields and recreational opportunities.
Coverage of Southern Indiana is funded, in part, by Samtec Inc., the Hazel & Walter T. Bales Foundation, and the Caesars Foundation of Floyd County.