LIHEAP helps households across the state facing heat emergencies. This includes imminent loss of heat, low fuel supply or eviction due to unpaid utility bills.
As temperatures dip below freezing, household heat is essential for comfort and safety in the winter months. About 34 million Americans reported they have difficulties keeping up with their energy bills each month or that they had kept their home at an unsafe temperature because of cost in 2020, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. They said the South is the region with the most households struggling with some form of energy insecurity, at 30%.
LIHEAP benefits will cover the “minimum needed to alleviate the crisis not to exceed the Community Action Agency’s local cost for a deliverable supply of the household’s primary heating fuel or $400 for gas or electric.” Benefits will be paid directly to the fuel vendor. Households can apply multiple times for assistance until they reach the maximum benefit.
All applicants must include their Social Security card, proof of income for a month, the most recent heating bill and the account number and name on the heating and electric bill with an application. For those who are at risk of gas and electric disconnection, applicants must include the overdue or disconnect notice in their application.
The program is on a first-come, first-serve basis or until its funds are exhausted. CAK said prior LIHEAP assistance does not affect a household’s eligibility.
Applications are available through individual county outreach offices. Applicants can find the nearest office online. CAK said they have an outreach center in all 120 Kentucky counties.
LIHEAP is a federally funded program through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, providing heating and cooling needs for eligible low-income families.