We've heard the word "sustainability" in relation to the environmental movement. But what about the term "Just Sustainability?""I can up with the concept in the early 2000s," Dr. Julian Agyeman told me, "as a way of not dismissing the environmental imperative...but as a way of adding the very important social justice and equity component which I think increasingly people are understanding must be part of the sustainability equation or otherwise were not going to move on."Agyeman is a professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University. As part of the May 13-18 Festival of Faiths, Agyeman will talk about his concept of just sustainabilities, which combines a commitment to preserving nature's ecosystems with safeguarding justice and equity for all life. His talk is slated for Friday, May 16, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Actors Theatre of Louisville. More info at FestivalOfFaiths.org.He told me more about this concept, and how it could be applied to Louisville:
From Sustainability to Just Sustainability

Kelvin Ma