Louisville's Waterfront Development Corporation has revised its plans for an ice skating rink at Waterfront Park.The seasonal rink was originally planned to go up last year at a location on the festival plaza, near the Christmas tree vendors. But funding fell through and complications with utilities in the original location nixed the plans.Funding again didn't come through this year.Now, the Waterfront Development Corporation is looking at putting a rink under the Big Four Bridge approach next year. Director of Facilities Gary Pepper believes the new location could be a pavilion for other events during warmer parts of the year.“The Big Four Bridge is due to be completed here the next couple weeks which will free up all that construction space underneath it, and in the spring time we’ll reclaim all that area and then look heavily at maybe next fall but we still don’t have any funding in place to do it yet," Pepper said.Pepper says funds will have to be raised privately and the WDC is seeking donations for the project.This holiday season, rinks opened in Jeffersonville and in Fourth Street Live. Pepper says the Waterfront Park rink could be more grand than those to draw skaters.Pepper said plans may include "some kind of pavilion, ice rink in the winter time, more of a permanent type slab that would accommodate multiple uses.”