A group of government and business leaders from southwest Louisville is mounting a campaign to lure new businesses to the area.Five Metro Council members are working with a group called the Southwest Louisville Dream Team on a petition drive to bring better dining and shopping options to the area. The petitions will be sent to a retail convention in Las Vegas in hopes that industry leaders will see the demand and set up shop in southwest Louisville.Councilman Rick Blackwell says it's important that the group present a united front for the entire southwest."We don't want it to be Dixie versus New Cut versus Third Street. We want us all together on it. If we get a good restaurant on Third Street, let's support it. If we get something on Dixie, let's support it as well," he says. "Dixie is an area that we need some help on but there are some areas on New Cut that can get some development, over by Iroquois Park and so on."The group also hopes to attract businesses with the results of a 2008 retail study that suggested the area's buying power has been greatly underestimated.