The Head and The Heart have shared the deeply personal new single titled “Time With My Sins.” This follows the previously released track “Arrow.” Both songs will be featured on their upcoming studio album, and the band has promised that more details will be announced in the coming weeks.
About this highly emotional new song, vocalist and guitarist of the band, Jonathan Russell, commented, “I started this song when I was deep into a whole mess of distractions and, quite frankly I wasn’t able to finish it. Fortunately, [group member] Matty [Gervais] had always been a supporter of what I had started out with and asked if he could take a crack at it. Lucky for all of us, he did just that, and what he came back with took me by surprise. The way he interpreted the song and brought it forward is just a great example of why I love being in this band. ‘Time With My Sins’ is about vulnerability and hard truths that can feel scary to put out in the open like this, but I’m happy we did.”
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