Travis Fimmel is bringing his signature charisma to the expansive world of Dune in HBO Max’s prequel series, Dune Prophecy. Set 10,000 years before the events of the films, the show focuses on the Bene Gesserit and introduces Fimmel’s character, Desmond Hart—a soldier with mysterious powers and an ambiguous moral compass.
When asked about the pressure of following up Denis Villeneuve’s critically acclaimed movies, Fimmel admits, “The quality of those films was so amazing. But this series is its own thing—different planets, characters, and timeline. It’s a big riddle, and I think fans will enjoy solving it.”
Known for his grounded, no-nonsense approach, Fimmel keeps his characters shrouded in mystery. “The first thing I do is cut as many lines as possible,” he jokes. “The less you say, the more intriguing your character is.”
Outside of acting, Fimmel has ventured into beer production with Travla, a brand he started with friends from his farming hometown. “We’re a bunch of country boys trying to break into a market dominated by big monopolies,” he explains. “It’s about representing the hardworking people in forgotten areas. City folks get all the fancy beers; we wanted to give them a taste of the country.”
Despite his aversion to social media, Fimmel uses it to promote the beer, often featuring himself in wild, low-budget stunts involving animals. “We’ve got no budget, so we do guerrilla-style ads. One time, I chased a snake with a beer can. Probably not the smartest thing I’ve done.”
Fimmel’s grounded personality stems from his rural upbringing. “Farming is the hardest working lifestyle. You don’t get rich; you just work too much. But it’s beautiful, and it keeps you humble.”
As for Dune Prophecy, Fimmel hints at surprises in store for viewers, especially in the latter episodes. “Episode six has some great twists and reveals. It’s not your typical hero story; everyone’s got issues. That’s what makes it exciting.”
With Dune Prophecy and Travla Beer, Fimmel continues to stay true to his roots while embracing new challenges. Fans can catch the series now streaming on HBO Max and maybe even enjoy a cold beer while unraveling the mystery.
Watch the interview above and then check out the trailer below.