Alexis Ren joins Kyle Meredith to talk about her role in the sci-fi thriller Latency. The film follows a professional gamer, portrayed by Sasha Luss, who battles acute agoraphobia while testing new AI-powered gaming equipment capable of reading her mind. Ren, who plays Luss' best friend Jen, shares her experiences working with a two-person cast and how the film's themes of online culture and solitude are highly relevant today.
Ren goes on to reveal the natural parallels between her role and her work in mental health activism, as well as her stint on Dancing With The Stars. She also discusses director James Croke’s initial vision, which included her shaving half her head, and the trust fall that comes with working with CGI. Additionally, Ren talks about her efforts to master various hobbies, most recently including surfing.
Watch the interview above and then check out the video below.