Politics and music are never not connected for Brittany J. Green, a composer from North Carolina and part of the third class of the Creators Corps with the Louisville Orchestra (alongside Baldwin Giang and Oswald Huỳnh).
Her 2022 work "Thread and Pull," will get a newly orchestrated performance this weekend next to Viktor Ullman's "Der Kaiser von Atlantis." Green describes the work as "a reflection on the complications and contradictions marginalized people must navigate [in] this imperialist, white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchal society."
In this conversation Green talks about how it's going, so far, as a Louisville resident and what the season has in store for her work with the LO and the community, and how she takes complex societal inequities and distill's them into musical ideas.
Related aside, I'll be talking with some of the production team for "Der Kaiser von Atlantis" at the Concert Talk on Saturday at 6:15 p.m. in Whitney Hall (concert is at 7:30 p.m.).