If you live near one of the thirteen Louisville Community Centers that serve youth, we invite you to make music with us this summer! 90.5 WUOL's Music Education Manager, Jecorey Arthur, will be visiting each center to perform live music, host hands-on instrument demonstrations, and give mini-lessons for anyone insterested in learning how to play specific instruments or about general music.
Molly Leonard Portland | July 8-9 4:30 PM
Newburg | July 10-11 10:00 AM
Parkhill | July 15-16 4:30 PM
Shawnee | July 17-18 11:00 AM
Berrytown | July 18-19 3:00 PM
South Louisville | July 22-23 3:00 PM
Sun Valley | July 24-25 10:30 AM
Beechmont | July 24-25 3:00 PM
Southwick | July 29-30 10:00 AM
California | July 29-30 3:00 PM
Cyril Allgeier | August 5-6 3:00 PM
Douglass | August 7-8 3:00 PM
Metro Arts | August 12-13 10:00 AM
National Arts Standards
MU:Re7.1.6 select or choose music to listen to and explain the connections to specific interests or experiences for a specific purpose.
MU:Cr1.1.2a improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns and musical ideas for a specific purpose.
MU:Pr6.1.5 perform music, alone or with others, with expression, technical accuracy, and appropriate interpretation.